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Children's Ministry

The Children’s Ministries Staff at Lindale Mennonite Church is a dynamic team of dedicated persons who lead and direct our Sunday Schools, nurseries and other planned children’s activities. Their creative and energetic enthusiasm carries warmth that nourishes our children.



Two nurseries are available during Sunday School and Worship:
During Sunday School, there is one nursery for Birth – 1 year old.
During Worship Hour, there are two nurseries for Birth – 1 year; and 2 – 3 year olds.


Primary Sunday School

(Age 2-Grade 5)

Superintendents energetically lead the Sunday School department. Each Sunday morning begins with an opening for the children at 9:30 followed by age level classes with caring teachers. Leaders encourage Bible memorization with our “Bible on the Brain” program. At 10:20, parents are asked to pick up their children from their classroom.


Kingdom Kids

(Grades 3-5)

Church volunteers direct Kingdom Kids in monthly activities. These fun times include service projects, outside activities, and Christmas caroling.


KidsWorship &Children’s Church

(age 3 through grade 3)

Church volunteers direct the monthly Kids' Worship and Children’s Church.  Children are dismissed during the worship hour on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  They meet together with their leaders for their own meaningful worship time in the lower level


Summer Bible School

Lindale plans an exciting week of summer Bible School! Many volunteers from the church work together to create a memorable and meaningful week.


Wednesday Evening Programming

Lindale offers fall and winter Wednesday evening options twice a month. On Wednesday evenings in the fall, the children begin working on a Christmas Musical. During the winter program, the children rotate from station to station as they participate in a Winter Kids Club.


Bible and Flashlight Gifting

Lindale gifts each child a Bible as they enter 3rd grade. They also receive a new mechanical pencil – encouraging them to underline their memory verses.  Each child entering Kindergarten is gifted with a small key chain flashlight.


Sunday Worship

Lindale values the presence of children during the Sunday morning worship service.  We provide Children’s bulletins and crayons each Sunday.  A Children’s Moment is frequently planned in the service to help the children connect with the sermon theme.

We are a church family that values children, teaches the Bible, and cares for each child.  We delight in our ministry to the children and pray they sense Jesus’ love for them through the love of the church.

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171

Youth Ministry

At Lindale we take seriously our commitment to nurture youth in the Christian faith. We make a covenant with parents during each and every child dedication that we as a congregation will pray for the child, as well as invest our time and energy into nurturing their faith so that they might grow to experience and embrace the love of God. To this end we seek to relate personally to each youth at Lindale, as well as provide programming for each step of their journey.



Sunday School

Lindale has Sunday School classes for both junior high and high school youth. Within Sunday School we focus on studying God’s Word, lively discussion, and developing a love for each other as members of God’s family.



Wednesday Evenings

At Lindale we have a fall and spring series of Wednesday Evening gatherings. We meet at church every other week for 12 weeks. The evenings begin with an intergenerational meal at 5:45 pm followed by activities for all ages from 6:45 to 7:15 pm. During that time we have activities for children age 3 through seniors in high school.



Youth Groups


Junior Mennonite Youth Fellowship (JMYF) is for students in grades 6-8. They meet twice a month as part of our Wednesday Evenings at Lindale. During their time together they have a variety of activities including game nights, Bible studies, service opportunities and more!

Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF) is for students in grades 9-12. The MYF meet every other Wednesday evening in addition to some weekend activities. They have game nights, service activities, times for worship, Bible studies, weekend retreats, and more!

It is our hope that your youth will experience Lindale as a warm and caring place where they are known by name and inspired to grow in their Christian Faith!

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171

Adult Sunday School


  • Wed & Led is a class for young married couples.

  • Living Stones class members are varied in age. The class studies a variety of themes and has active discussion and class participation.

  • PSALT class members are in their mid-30’s to mid-40’s. Class is taught by persons from the class using books and series of interest.

  • Sojourners class members in their 50’s & 60’s. Class members teach using the Uniform Lesson series.

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171

Lindale Women

Lindale Mennonite Women (LMW) meets the second Tuesday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. The manager and assistant manager plan projects for the day. These include quilting, knotting comforters, cutting patches for comforters and School & Health Kits, and sewing these projects together, etc. We also make baby comforters for a couple’s first baby.


At noon we have meal (currently each woman brings her own lunch. Microwaves are available). After the meal the president leads the group in a devotional followed by a business meeting. The secretary and treasurer also give reports. An offering is taken at every meeting.


Other activities we are involved in include purchasing gifts for residents at Western State and baking cookies for various institutions at Christmas time. We also provide money to assist families in the Linville Edom area and donate money to MCC to purchase blankets for people in needy countries. We donate items to the annual Relief Sale such as quilts, wall hangings, etc. the congregation gets involved in filling Health & School kits for MCC, plus collect labels to earn money for Linville Edom School and Eastern Mennonite School.


LMW also participates in the Annual Mission’s Day which is held in May for all churches in Virginia Conference. All women are encouraged to attend the Mennonite Women’s Retreat held every fall and the breakfast held Saturday morning at the Virginia Mennonite Conference held in July. A committee is also appointed by LMW to plan the church’s Ladies’ Tea held every quarter at VMRC.

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171

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Lindale Childcare Program

LCCP is an outreach program of Lindale Mennonite Church that provides full day care for preschool children, before and after school care and full time summer care for school age children.  Care opens at 6:00am and closes at 6:00pm.  During the school year we are open on teacher workdays and most snow days. 



Full Day Care

For preschool children ages 3 and 4 from 6:30am-6:00pm.


Before and After School Care

For school aged children from Kindergarten through 6th grade.  Before school care opens at 6:00am to 8:00am.  After school care is offered from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.  Homework help, a healthy snack, art projects, and indoor and outdoor fun is provided.  Bus service is provided from Linville-Edom ES, John C. Myers ES, Eastern Mennonite ES, and J. Frank Hillyard MS.


Summer Care

Full time school aged care during the summer months. The doors open at 6:00 am, and care is offered through 6:00 pm.  The days are filled with indoor and outdoor activities and include weekly field trips.


Mission Statement:

The program believes that all children are gifts from God.  We are dedicated to providing a safe, loving, economical, and positive environment.


The Intent of the Lindale Child Care Program:

  • We endeavor to create full day preschool program for 3 & 4 year old children that incorporates learning through play.

  • We are an outreach of Lindale Mennonite Church to families in our community.

  • We strive to provide a safe supervised environment for school-aged children from Kindergarten through 6th grade.

  • We work to provide an atmosphere conducive to the recognition and stimulation of each child’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual development.

  • We were developed as an alternative child care option for working parents.


Enrollment Policy:

Lindale Early Childhood Program accepts children that will be 3 or 4 by the beginning date of their enrollment. Lindale Child Care Program accepts children that will be beginning Kindergarten in the fall through 6th grade.  LCCP does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies.

For more information please visit our website at

Theresa Horst
Executive Director                                                              

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171


We support missions locally and around the world.  See a list of the many different groups we support:

Albania – Lezhe Ministries

Albania – Worker  support

AVA Care

Bethany Mission, India

Bolivia – Elderly Care

Bridge of Hope

Community Outreach (local)

El Jordan Bolivia

Hbg/Rock. Social Services

Highland Retreat

Haiti Sister Church

Italy – Worker support

KERUS Global Education

Lindale Haiti Fund

Lindale Mennonite Women

Maranatha School for the Deaf

Meserete Kristos College

Montenegro – Worker support


Nepal – Worker support

Open Doors

Roberta Webb Child Care Center

Summer Bible School offerings, matching

For more information, please contact us at or (540) 833-5171

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