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Sunday School &
Church Service details


Sunday School for all ages

Sunday school begins every week at 9:30 am. Visitors are welcome to attend a Sunday school class of their choosing. You can ask an usher or greeter to help you find a class when you arrive or visit the Welcome Center in the foyer and there will be someone who will be glad to help you.


Sunday Worship Services begin at 10:30 am and are broadcast on YouTube

Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30 am. Worship time is preceded by the warm conversations of those coming from Sunday school classes and of others arriving for the service. Prelude is typically either piano music or an informal time of singing.  Music is a mixture of the Hymnal: A Worship Book, Voices Together, Sing the Story, Sing the Journey, and praise music. A praise team leads music every second and fourth Sunday.


Sharing time is an important part of our service followed by a prayer led by the worship leader. An offering is gathered every Sunday; if you are a guest we do not expect you to put money in the offering unless God leads you to do so. We pass a Friendship Registry for people to record their names.


Please do not be concerned about what to wear; we want you to feel comfortable! Some people dress casually and some are in their “Sunday best.” We think you will fit in no matter how you dress!

We hope to see you soon!

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